You know that successful businesses have all five ‘P’s’ in their marketing mix in alignment; the right Product, in the right Place, at the right Price, with the right Promotion and right PEOPLE.
But attracting the right people to serve your customers can be challenging.
You know that if you hire a new employee who left their last three employees because they thought their boss was a jerk, that you’ll probably end up being a jerk too.
As the labor market tightens, it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract and keep good people with great attitudes. You know you should hire on attitude rather than skill because you can teach skill, but it’s difficult to change attitudes.
But how do you find people with the right attitude?
You probably won’t find them in classified sections of the local paper or on web job sites.
Most of the people you’ll attract through traditional job sites or pages are either unemployed (for a reason) or just plain drifters or unhappy people. You’ll have much greater success in attracting sustainable talent if you can peak the interest of people who are happy and successful…candidates who are not searching the lists of job openings.
Only intrusive media like radio can reach out and touch the hearts and minds of those who are NOT looking for a job. By painting the picture of being a great place to work with great opportunities, you have a shot at getting people with the right attitude to consider switching careers.